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Family Lawyers in Parramatta – What are the Qualities You are Searching For?

If you’re in the market for family lawyers in Parramatta, what should you be prioritizing? Number one is experience. If you are beginning the process of Separation or Divorce, or negotiating a child custody issue or property settlement, you need someone in your corner who “knows the ropes”. Someone who is solution-oriented.

But there are other considerations too. Can the Parramatta family lawyer work to your schedule? You may not have the flexibility to book time off work to travel to a lawyer’s office for consultations. Can the lawyer come to you at your place of work, or home and even after work hours? How about weekends? Does the lawyer have the technology to conduct meetings by video conferencing? Is there access to meeting rooms near your place of residence or work?

Think about costs as well. The Parramatta family lawyer, once familiar with your situation and case, should be able to charge you a flat fee or hourly rate – whichever is more advantageous to you.

Finally – find a compassionate lawyer. Family law proceedings are emotionally charged and you need someone in your corner with empathy for what you are going through.
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 Look for Experience in a Family Lawyer


Choosing a family lawyer in Parramatta can be one of the most important things you’ll ever do.  Lawyers provide clients in Paramatta and neighbouring Macquarie Park, Castle Hill, Blacktown, Liverpool, Bankstown, and Mount Druitt with results orientated legal solutions and can guide you through many family law areas, such as Separation, Divorce and custody situations.  Look for experienced, solution-oriented lawyers who have empathy for the process you are beginning.


Begin With Prenuptial Agreements


You can protect yourself further by beginning your association with the Parramatta family lawyer before you even marry.  Prenuptial agreements – covering assets and the care of relatives – can be extremely useful and effective ways of easing the process down the road.  No one wants to go into a marriage pondering what happens should it fail – but a realistic attitude, an experienced lawyer, and an airtight prenuptial agreement can be your best insurance against future acrimony.


Starting the Process After the Relationship Fails


Sadly, many marriages do fail, and it is necessary to set up a meeting with a family lawyer.  At that initial assessment, your Parramatta lawyer will gather together the information necessary to begin the particular process you need.  You can facilitate the lawyer’s planning by preparing for the meeting; both financial and family information will be helpful to the case at hand.  At the initial assessment, which can take place by phone, video conference or in person, – your lawyer will give you a clear indication of the costs you will be incurring, as well as establishing the fee structure – flat fee or hourly rate – whichever works best for you.

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